Thursday, October 2, 2014

Doctor Who and Peter Capaldi

I don't really want to do a review or anything like that, had enough of critiquing with the OU. And I'm not a weird fan girl, in fact those fandoms usually annoy me. Women bitching about companions and how pretty the Doctor is, OK, OK I admit Matt Smith and David Tennant are pretty, but that's not what Dr Who is about.

I loved Doctor Who when Doctor Who was really not cool. At home, my fridge and my bedroom would be filled with pictures of Daleks and Tardis(es) hmm, what is the plural of Tardis? From pictures I had tried to draw to newspaper cuttings. I had toy daleks rather than the latest doll. I had a big fat pen with Doctor Who written on it that my Dad bought me, it had a chain thing and that was my sonic screwdriver for years and years. I actually got it when my Dad took me to see Jon Pertwee in Doctor Who the Musical back in the late 80s, I cried all night because we didn't meet him afterwards. I wanted to be Sarah Jane Smith and Ace (I even named my hamster Ace), I was even in the fan club! This was in the mid 80's and my seven year old self was a Doctor Who geek. It helped me later in primary school too, I remember amazing my year 6 teacher who told me I was too thick to do anything in my life by telling him that "the circumference of a circle by its diameter equals the Greek letter pi", I knew this because it's a line Tegan used to the Master in the Five Doctors.

I've watched every single episode of the 'new' Doctor Who, I loved Peter Eccleston and the energy he brought to the role and the amazing new stories being written for the show. I loved David Tennant, I didn't even mind the Rose thing too much, even though I knew it shouldn't be happening. Thanks to Deb I've even seen David Tennant live in Straford in my favourite play (Richard II), I think he is one of the best actors on the planet at the moment. I just found it sad that his Doctor started to turn into some kind of Messiah. And Matt Smith, maybe I did turn into a bit of a fan girl (tiny, tiny bit) with him, I first saw him a few years before in 'Ruby in the Smoke', I had to warch the credits to find out who that yummy bloke was. I've seen most of his t.v stuff since then. OK he was not the best Doctor, I don't blame him, he had rubbish stories and was a little  too slapstick at times, but I loved River Song.

And now we're onto the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi (I first saw him in Dangerous Liaisons in the late 90s when I was going through a Glenn Close is an amazing actress phase, and loving everything Sunset Boulevard). After six episodes I can already say that he, is the best Doctor of all time, despite the naff story lines he has had so far. My favourite Doctor was always Jon Pertwee, and Peter Capaldi reminds me of that Doctor, but he (Peter) is just so much better. I've noticed that there has been a lot of robots in this series of Doctor Who, I wonder if that is because of how wonderful the word 'Robot' sounds when Capaldi says it in his Scottish accent adding around five or so more r's to the word.
I loved Capaldi as Malcolm Tucker. I LOVE 'The Thick of It'. (Was also a nice surprise when Chris Addison who plays Oliver Reeder made an appearance on Doctor Who).

He can sing:

and was the lead singer in a Punk band, back in the day: 

He is great at swearing:

He looks great as a woman (dammit) he looks better than I do:


He is an incredible artist to see here and here for example, he also knows his stuff about art too:

And now, think I've babbled on enough today so, as Malcolm Tucker would say.

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