Friday, August 22, 2014

Fish and Clouds and Warcraft

Bit of a quick one tonight as it's late.

Today's Spoon Challenge is Fish So I decided to try and draw some koi, I love watching them in the monkey house at Dudley Zoo so I looked online for some pictures. Anyway, here is my attempt, I'm not very happy with it but it's done now at least.

Charcoal and watercolour pencil (unwatercoloured)

I saw an awesome cloud earlier and tried to take a picture of it, again I didn't do very well, I need to learn how to change the lighting and stuff on my camera. Anyway I hope you can see the amazing colours I was TRYING to get.

Taken on Canon PowerShot SX50 HS

And lastly, I managed to talk Wibby into giving me a month on WoW, so I've been messing about on some of my lowbie characters. I love my baby dwarf warrior. A Dutch pal and I went through a phase of  testing out the PvP on different servers, but I think Lilburn the Dwarf might stick, it's quite nice seeing Defias Brotherhood from the alliance side too. 


  1. Ooo I like this ... I think you are starting to get you own drawing style with these charcoals :)

  2. They seem the easiest medium for me to use, also if I mess up I can make a smudge and it looks cool instead of wrong. :)
