Monday, August 25, 2014

Warcraft, Arches and Books.

So, I spent the weekend playing WoW, yay to having WoW back again. And I've got my Orc warrior to 90 after a GM had to bring her back from the Nether. And she's been doing some PvP....badly. Newly dinged PvP is painful and soul destroying and to make it worse we hardly ever win and play mostly against Russians! You can see from my WoW Armoury just how painful. Unlike Defias Brotherhood where I've been doing most of my PvP, Dragonblight is a dead/dying server, so I'm guildless and maybe in the worst horde battlegroup there is. But, it's a challenge.

With no Spoonflower prompt again today *sadface* I decided to take some inspiration from my new book on fantasy architecture, so here is my take on a Byzantinian keyhole arch.

Excuse the squiggle in the middle that was me attempting and failing to make it look like there was something through the arch. And I'm not trying to be pretentious in explaining the drawing now, it's just I put a lot of thought into it and would like to share my arch, which I know is not a good drawing but hopefully you'll see what I was trying to do.  Although Eastern in design I wanted to give the arch a Celtic and Pagan look. So I added a figure of eight pattern to surround the arch, I was going to do triquetras but that is beyond my capabilities, anyway, I added the three moon phases and stars near the top, which you can see better in the next photograph. The circle part of the arch is being held by a crude Earth Mother figure, although usually she has the Earth in her stomach or womb, I didn't think it would work so well with this arch.

So um, yea, that's what I've been up to today.

I've also finished reading all of the Belgariad books and the spin offs. I'm kind of gutted as I've come to love Polgara and Belgarath, but I'm sticking to David Eddings for now and I'm reading the Elenium series, so far so good, but I'm already missing Polgara.

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