Monday, August 18, 2014

So, a Blog huh?

Well, about time I got a hobby.

I've always wanted to be one of those people that can just make stuff. However, I can't knit, I can't sew, I can't draw, and until a few days ago I'd never done painting. I've always wanted to be good at crafting, but I'm just not. But I am hoping I can learn.

I got some cheap acrylic paints from Wilko, some brushes from the 99p shop and I ended up making this:

A3, acrylic on canvas in really bad light by a crap photographer. 

While it's no masterpiece and I still feel it's missing something, and some bits look really stupid, it's the first thing I've ever painted so I'll give myself a little pat on the back.

So the purpose of this blog, my life is changing, for the better (much better) and I want to learn about crafting and art, photography and good healthy vegan cooking and so much more. And although, no one is going to read or see this blog it's just a little bit of the web where I can stick my random mutterings and pictures and one day see if I have progressed at all. Who knows maybe I'll get good at something.

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